

Congratulations to the following members who had their songs taken by Harrison Sokoloff at King Pen Music! A copy of the song will be sent to the team there for further review. They have your email address as well if they choose to continue the conversation.

The Beautiful's Gone - Oliver Pigott

I'd Be Lying - Cody Quillen

I'll Always Call It Home - Jim Groves

This Old Truck - Scott Bliven





No songs were taken by Cyndi Forman during the most recent Online Pitch with Universal Music Publishing Group. There were a lot of songs that were close, so we encourage everyone who participated in this event to watch the video as it will help you gain greater insight into how publishers are listening to new songs and new writers.

Keep up the great work, keep writing, and keep pitching! This is all a part of the process and we congratulate you on having the courage, and belief in your songs, to pitch them and share them with others.


Congratulations to the following members who had their songs taken by Missy Roberts at Universal Music Publishing Group! A copy of the song will be sent to the team there for further review. They have your email address as well if they choose to continue the conversation.

Pretty In My Heart - Russ Parrish


Keep up the good work!


Congratulations to the following members who had their songs taken by Penny Gattis at Eclipse Music Group! A copy of the song will be sent to the team there for further review. They have your email address as well if they choose to continue the conversation.


Congratulations to the following members who had their songs taken by Nicole Sherrill at MV2 Entertainment! A copy of the song will be sent to the team there for further review. They have your email address as well if they choose to continue the conversation.

Over and Over - Russ Parrish 

Now I Do - Kipper Lee


Keep up the good work!