June Chapter Meeting will be ONLINE only!

Hello Songwriters!!

Caldwell Public Library just informed me that, due to the Juneteenth Holiday this coming Wednesday, the facility will be closed.

Not to worry, though, as we can still do what we do -- but Online! If you have a song you would like to receive feedback on please upload it here:https://www.nashvillesongwriters.com/southern-idaho-chapter-meeting-sign... . This form will also sign you in as "present" at the Zoom meeting.

To join the Zoom click here at 6pm on Wednesday, June 19th: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87169313522?pwd=N201d0F6NjlxRUtPZXd6NVN1NDlXUT09 or enter through the links posted on the NSAI Southern Idaho Chapter page.

Write on!
