Twin Cities, MN Chapter News

We are moving the March meeting of the Twin Cities Chapter of NSAI to Tuesday, March 11th.  It will be an in-person event at the Maple Grove Library.

We have been functioning with a single coordinator for a while now.  If anyone else has an interest in serving the group as co-coordinator, let Doug Millaway know, and he will give you additional information.

Please be aware that completing the RSVP for any upcoming meeting, will allow you to receive the meeting link and the upload link for the session. This is an important step because we want to make sure that participants are submitting through the system so we can verify membership and maintain security on your copyrighted materials.

Let us know about any recent "WINS" you've experienced. This can be anything that has enhanced your songwriting skills or any successes you've experienced. Message me, and I will include them in our Chapter News.

I recently signed four songs to Sync Representation deals in three weeks.  That's a big win for me.  How about you?

I have to delay our Chapter Meeting for November.  I was called out of town last week and my schedule took a nosedive. We will reschedule the November meeting for November 18th at our normal time.   I apologize for the inconvenience.  In the interim, let me know if you have any additional needs.

We will meet on November 18th at 7:00 pm online for our monthly meeting.  Login and song submission info will come out shortly.

All - reminder the Chapter Challenge is happing in April! We meet IN PERSON April 10! Details below. Date: April 10, 2023 Time: 6:30 PM CT Location: 8001 Main St. N. Training Room 133 Maple Grove, MN 55369 Questions? Reach out to one of the coordinators below for more details.