- Online Pitch
- Online Song Feedback
- Mentoring Sessions
- Song Evaluations
- Songwriter Relations Rep Meetings
Through our Online Pitch Events for members, each month you will have the opportunity to register for a Pitch Session to have your song heard by an industry representative such as a publisher, manager, or creative. This is a great platform to get your name out there and possibly get the attention of someone in the industry! In each Pitch Session, the industry guest will listen to the first verse/chorus of each member's song and then choose to "pass," which means the song may not be the right fit for their current interests, or "take a copy," which mean they would like a copy to potentially listen to again.
An Annual NSAI membership includes: Two (2) Online Pitch credits per year.
~ $50 per additional credit ~
A month-to-month subscription membership includes: Zero (0) Free Online Pitch credits per month.
~ $40 per Online Pitch credit ~
With our Online Song Feedback service, we invite incredible songwriters and industry guests to a session to listen to your song and provide valuable feedback and response to assist in its development. The guests will listen to the first verse and chorus of each member's song, then provide their initial thoughts of the song and offer their personal guidance and notes on suggestion the think could refine the writing if needed. You also gain access to hear feedback on all of the participant songs in that session, one of the most valuable parts of the service! These sessions are meant to educate you on how the Pros think, and to help strengthen your songwriting skills.
An Annual NSAI membership includes: One (1) Free Song Feedback credit per year.
~ $30 per additional credit ~
A month-to-month subscription membership includes: Zero (0) Song Feedback credits per month.
~ $20 per Online Song Feedback credit ~
Want some one-on-one feedback on your songs? Have a question about the music industry, or need some guidance on how to achieve your songwriting goals? Utilize mentor credits to get those questions answered with a mentor of your choice! Each session lasts 45 minutes and you may send in up to three songs to review with a mentor for each session. Our Mentors all specialize in different fields, so you can select a Mentor that fits your current needs, and they will help you focus on your goals and future plans. Mentors are currently available to meet via Zoom or phone call.
An Annual NSAI membership includes: Two (2) Free Mentor credits per year.
~ $50 per additional credit ~
A month-to-month subscription membership includes: Zero (0) Mentor credits per month.
~ $40 per Mentor Session credit ~

The Song Evaluation service allows you to have your songs reviewed and evaluated by professional songwriters and is designed to encourage, equip, and empower you to craft your songs to the best of their potential. The evaluators take their time to listen to your song in its entirety, then send you back an individualized "report card," commenting on the many aspects of your song, including: Idea/Hook, Rhyme Scheme, Commercial Viability, etcetera.
An Annual NSAI membership includes: Twelve (12) Free Song Evaluation credits per year.
~ $25 per additional credit ~
A month-to-month subscription membership includes: One (1) Free Song Evaluation credit per month.
~ $20 per additional credit ~
One of the best resources at NSAI is meeting with our Songwriter Relations Reps! NSAI is here to guide you through the use of your membership and can answer any questions you may have about NSAI, songwriting, and the music industry. Meetings are held one-on-one either in-person or online via Zoom, where a rep will discuss your interests and career goals, and listen to your music to help make recommendations/connections for co-writers, offer advice and support, and so much more. Staying in touch with your Services team will help us help you make the most of your membership!
Membership meetings are FREE for active members of NSAI!