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The hardest working musician that I know of. She barely has time to sleep. I don't know how she does while raising and home schooling 3 boys. She has the support of her husband in managing her busy schedule. There is never a dull moment it seems in her life.
Here is a picture of Ken as he performed in a songwriters round on Monday February 17 at the Sound Bar in Tallahassee, Fl. Ken is also showcasing his songs on the 3rd Wednesday night of each month at the Blue Tavern in Tallahassee. This has had a big impact on the community's awareness of and the inclusion of the Tallahassee Chapter
This event will be held at our May meeting in person on the 3rd Monday. Review the information on the NSAI website.
Members are participating in a local songwriter night at The Sound Bar that is held the 3rd Monday of every month. All participants for this event in November will be from the Tallahassee Chapter of NSAI.