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- NSAI Song Contest
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82718594830?pwd=bnQxVVBQRUR6ckJCTWVncGtlNlFIUT09
Song Submission Link: https://www.nashvillesongwriters.com/form/song-submission-consent-knoxvill
Songwriters of all levels and genres are welcome!
As a local NSAI Chapter we host regular meetups and special events where you can connect with fellow creatives, share and listen to songs, exchange feedback, and learn about all the many facets of the music industry!
It’s a relaxed and fun way to grow as a songwriter and Chapter. We invite you to come meet new friends, find future co-writers, and get involved in your growing, fun, and collaborative creative community!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Time: 7:30 pm EST
End Time: 9:00 pm EST
Type: Virtual
Time: 7:30 pm EST
End Time: 9:00 pm EST
Type: Virtual
October 28 7:30pm Zoom, November 25 7:30pm Zoom, December 30 7:30pm Zoom
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82718594830?pwd=bnQxVVBQRUR6ckJCTWVncGtlNlFIUT09
Congratulations to the songwriters below who had songs recognized as Ones To Watch!