Sep. 18, 2023

A big THANK YOU to members who were at our September 14 Philly Chapter ALL SONG EVALUATION meeting. What a talented group of songwriters and musicians who shared their songs. All of us in attendance were truly inspired! It was such a success we decided to do the same thing in October, so mark your calendars and plan to join us!! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2023, 7-10 PM Messiah Methodist Church 527 Ridge Ave. Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 ALL SONG EVALUATION-FEEDBACK-CRITIQUE Hone your skills. Be inspired by other songwriters. Meet new friends and potential collaborators. NSAI members go first (before non-members who may be attending) and get to perform 2 songs (depending on size of group before non-members). **********BRING 10 PRINTED/COPIED LYRIC SHEETS! ***************** If you don't have your lyric sheets, you can miss your turn. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND songs that are a work in progress, that you are willing to RE-WRITE. We respect all our members talents and musical goals. But this is more than simply a pat on the back kum by ah feedback session. Everyone deserves kudos for writing, which you'll find here, along with validation for a song well written! Songwriters receive an honest assessment of a songs' commercial integrity, and a lot of great suggestions. The purpose for these sessions is to improve and make your song the best it can be. And as you listen to others songs and critiques, your own writing will benefit. We provide official NSAI guidelines for critiquing songs, which you can take home to use when writing/re-writing your own songs. These meetings are "in person" .... we are technically challenged (lol) and do not hold Zoom meetings. Remember, you can attend any chapter meeting that offers online (or in person) meetings, including Nashville, in addition to our chapter meetings. Along with our almost monthly meetings, we plan other special events (aka writers rounds, holiday parties and get togethers, support each other's shows, meet up at area open mics, and support regional "sister chapters" special events. Watch for another announcement closer to the date of our October meeting. In the meantime, Happy Writing!!! Look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you soon!