Oct. 09, 2022
After a two-year COVID hiatus, in-person meetings are resuming for our NSAI WSPT chapter meetings! Join us on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, from 6:30-9:30 pm, at our new home in ROAR, located at 633 N. Liberty St., Winston-Salem, 27101.
If you're new, or in case you’ve forgotten what an NSAI WSPT meeting is like, every month we’ll explore a songwriting or music business topic and culminate with a song circle. So bring a song to share, or part of a song, that you would like feedback on!
In the song circle, anyone who wants can share an original song. If you would like written feedback, please bring 10-15 lyric sheets to pass out to everyone. In the song circle, NSAI members get to play their songs first as a benefit to NSAI membership. After that, we will put all names wishing to play a song into a hat, and draw names until we run out of time. You can perform the song live or bring it in digitally.
We look forward to seeing you all!
- NSAI WSPT Coordination Team
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JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/739436746249529
EMAIL US AT: [email protected]