Feb. 05, 2019
Greetings Philadelphia area songwriters!
Between the awful Northeast winter virus, post holiday blues, heavy work schedules, and travels, we were unable to have a January meeting. SO, to make it up to you, we are holding 2 events in February.
Our first meeting-workshop of the new year will be:
Thursday, February 7, 7PM.
Increase your songwriting ammo as we discuss song ideas after watching an NSAI video on the subject.
Where does inspiration come from?
What to train your brain to look for
Mapping out songwriter goals
Messiah United Methodist Church
527 Ridge Pike
Lafayette Hill PA 19444 (Parking around back)
Increase your songwriting ammo as we discuss song ideas after watching an NSAI video on the subject.
Song critiques will follow. Bring 10 lyric sheets for maximum benefit of the song critique process. Play live (bring guitar), CD, or MP3. Highly recommend bringing a song you are willing to rewrite, and not yet professionaly demo'd or recorded.
Philly NSAI presents a
Songwriters in the Round & Open Mic
Wednesday, February 20, 7 PM
Brickette Lounge
1339 Pottstown Pike
Westchester PA
NSAI member and Nashville songwriter Bobby McCormick has arranged a performance event at this popular West Chester venue, that will feature an NSAI style round (performers to be announced) -- then songwriters can take the stage in an Open Mic.
This is an ongoing opportunity to showcase regional songwriters. Please let us know if you can attend or are interested for future dates.