If you are a Professional Songwriter deriving the majority of your income from songwriting, and have had a formal publishing deal (past or present), you are eligible to join NSAI as a Pro Member! 

 Please note: Pro Membership does not involve credits or access to any of our educational services. A Pro Membership is a way to align as an industry member with our organization. **


Support from professionals in the industry directly impacts NSAI's effectiveness to represent you and professional songwriters everywhere, and puts you alongside us in the fight for songwriter rights. Advocacy is the reason NSAI was founded by 42 brave songwriters in 1967 and remains the forefront of our mission. As a Pro Member you would be among the first to know about our work and you would have various opportunities to align with and support our mission through participating in programs, joining us on Capitol Hill, donating your time/talents to educational events or performances to raise funds, or contributing financially. 
Additionally, as a Pro Member, you gain voting privileges to help determine the NSAI Board, as well as our '10 Songs I Wish I'd Written' award honorees at NSAI's annual Nashville Songwriter Awards. 


Access To Copyright Infringement Insurance: Through Frost Specialty Insurance Company, this coverage is exclusively offered to NSAI pro members at unbelievably affordable rates. Members are also eligible for per-show venue liability insurance at special rates through Frost Specialty Insurance.
Purchase A Pro Membership
Annual Pro Membership

Support from professionals in the industry directly impacts NSAI's effectiveness to represent you and professional songwriters everywhere, and puts members alongside us in the fight for songwriter rights. Advocacy is the reason NSAI was founded by 42 brave songwriters in 1967 and remains the forefront of our mission. 

As a Professional Member of NSAI, not only will you be the first to know about our work on behalf of songwriters, but you will have:

  • VOTING privileges to help determine the Board of Professional Songwriters that lead the organization.
  • VOTING privileges for the annual Nashville Songwriter Awards to determine the 'Song of the Year' and the '10 Songs I Wish I'd Written' awards, categories focused on songwriter peer recognition and admiration of their works. 
  • Various opportunities to align with our mission and lend your support through participating in programs and education events.
  • Opportunity to join us on Capitol Hill as we discuss songwriter rights.
  • Participating in performance opportunities and fundraising events, showcasing the value of songwriters to raise awareness and funds for the organization.
  • Access to Copyright Infringement Insurance: Through Frost Specialty Insurance Company, this coverage is exclusively offered to NSAI pro members at unbelievably affordable rates. Members are also eligible for per-show venue liability insurance at special rates through Frost Specialty Insurance.
Lifetime Pro Membership

There's nothing valued more by NSAI than the lifelong commitment from a songwriter that they will continually support our mission throughout their career. 

Support from professionals in the industry directly impacts NSAI's effectiveness to represent you and professional songwriters everywhere, and puts members alongside us in the fight for songwriter rights. Advocacy is the reason NSAI was founded by 42 brave songwriters in 1967 and remains the forefront of our mission. 

As a Professional Member of NSAI, not only will you be the first to know about our work on behalf of songwriters, but you will have:

  • VOTING privileges to help determine the Board of Professional Songwriters that lead the organization.
  • VOTING privileges for the annual Nashville Songwriter Awards to determine the 'Song of the Year' and the '10 Songs I Wish I'd Written' awards, categories focused on songwriter peer recognition and admiration of their works. 
  • Various opportunities to align with our mission and lend your support through participating in programs and education events.
  • Opportunity to join us on Capitol Hill as we discuss songwriter rights.
  • Participating in performance opportunities and fundraising events, showcasing the value of songwriters to raise awareness and funds for the organization.
  • Access to Copyright Infringement Insurance: Through Frost Specialty Insurance Company, this coverage is exclusively offered to NSAI pro members at unbelievably affordable rates. Members are also eligible for per-show venue liability insurance at special rates through Frost Specialty Insurance.
One Time