Jan. 26, 2021

Kelly Archer, Corey Crowder, Jessie Jo Dillon and Sharon Vaughn Added to NSAI Board


(Pictured L to R: Kelly Archer, Corey Crowder, Jessie Jo Dillon, Sharon Vaughn)


Nashville— January 25, 2021


Songwriters Kelly Archer, Corey Crowder, Jessie Jo Dillon and Sharon Vaughn have been elected as new members of the Nashville Songwriters Association International’s (NSAI) Board of Directors.

NSAI Board President Steve Bogard: “NSAI is continuing its tradition of electing a board of professional songwriters representing American music creators across generation, genre, and gender. Their input will be invaluable in our continuing progress in advocating for and achieving fairness for American songwriters.”

Current board members who were re-elected to two-year terms include Sarah Buxton, Nicolle Galyon, Tim Nichols, Josh Osborne, Rivers Rutherford, Laura Veltz and Troy Verges.

Roger Brown and Lee Thomas Miller were re-appointed to one-year terms as “Legislative Co-Chairs,” Rhett Akins and Caitlyn Smith were re-appointed to one-year terms to the “Artist Writer” board positions and Brett James was re-appointed to a one-year term to the “Industry Liaison” position.

They join existing board members Steve Bogard, Jeff Cohen, Chris DeStefano, J.T. Harding, Byron Hill, Josh Kear, Jon Nite, Liz Rose, Emily Shackelton, Jenn Schott and Jimmy Yeary whose terms expire in 2022.

NSAI Board elections happen in two phases and include voting by the NSAI Professional Songwriter Membership and appointments by the NSAI Board of Directors. The board terms begin each year at the May meeting.




The Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) is the world’s largest not-for-profit songwriters trade association. Established in 1967, the membership of more than 5,000 active and professional members spans the United States and foreign countries. NSAI, with more nearly 100 chapters, is dedicated to protecting the rights of and serving aspiring and professional songwriters in all genres of music. NSAI has been responsible for many advocacy advances for songwriters including its work on the Music Modernization Act, creating the first group copyright infringement insurance for songwriters, passing the landmark Songwriter Capital Gains Tax Equity Act and owns The Bluebird Café.