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NSAI South Jersey Chapter meetings are always the SECOND TUESDAY of every month and open to the general public. Although NSAI requires that we do at least four (4) in-person meetings, we will continue to provide hybrid meetings (in-person and virtual via Zoom) for the remainder of 2024.
To attend via Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84273869188?pwd=ZDBSQ1dsUklWVVg4UWZuS1czVVJ6Zz09
The first half of the meeting features a lesson and discussion about the craft and business of songwriting. The second half of the meeting features song feedback.
This month, in honor of St. Valentine's Day, we encourage you to write and share new love song for your significant other.
Please submit your song no later than 5 pm the day of the meeting. We generally play songs in the order in which they were received, so submit early! Submit your song for feedback here: