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- NSAI Song Contest
The next NSAI Orlando Chapter meeting will be held Tuesday, November 5th at 7pm.
We will be meeting on-line via Zoom.
If you would like to participate in the song critique portion of the meeting, please submit your songs for feedback by
10:00 pm Monday, November 4th. Please follow these instructions to submit your song and lyrics on-line.
Note: This form is best accessed using Chrome or Safari
- Here is the new form for submitting your songs for feedback. Click on this link:
Note: Please fill out this form if you are attending the meeting,
even if you are not submitting a song
- Enter the month and your name in the form fields.
- Select the Yes or No radio button to indicate if you are a current NSAI member.
- If you are a member, enter the email address that you use for NSAI.
- If you are a non-member, please enter your email address and phone number.
- Select the radio button to indicate if you will be attending the meeting in person or on-line.
- Select the radio button to indicate that you are submitting your song for feedback
- Enter the song title, click the browse button.
- A dialog will be presented to locate the song file on your computer and select it. - Click the File Upload button.
Note: The accepted file types are MP3, M4A, WAV, Mov, and AVI
- Lyrics can be submitted either by entering the lyric text directly into the submission form or by clicking the browse button and selecting a file from your computer and clicking the upload file.
Note: We prefer the lyrics to be uploaded via a file, but we will work with the pasted in lyrics as well.
Note: The accepted lyric file types are TXT, DOC, PDF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG.
(Please note that DOCX does not always work on Susie's computer)
- Click the radio button to agree to the submission consent.
- Click Submit.
- A confirmation that your song was submitted will be displayed. You will be sent an email with the Submission information details.
Meeting details:
What: 2024 NSAI Orlando Chapter Zoom meeting
Date: Nov 5th, 2024
Time: 7-9 PM Eastern Time Zone
Meeting Type: Virtual (Zoom)
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82805306246?pwd=VG4wNGVvVDVkMGNjblRmaWhsckVvUT09
Meeting ID: 828 0530 6246
Used song link
please email us with any questions
Pam, Susie, and Asli