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- NSAI Song Contest
CHAPTER CHALLENGE SONG CONTEST | Hybrid (In Person and Online) Saturday, April 19th (Time: 10AM CST)
Song Submission Link and Rules for the 2025 Chapter Challenge are enclosed below.
Where: Wauwatosa Public Library - 7635 W. North Ave, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 and online via ZOOM (Zoom links will be messaged to members. If you need the Zoom link, you can also send us a message requesting it.)
You must be an NSAI member in good standing. Please check to make sure your membership is current and in good standing for April 19th.
To RSVP & SUBMIT a Song please use this link:
(This will allow you to RSVP and Submit a Song at the same time.)
*PLEASE NOTE Song Submission Deadline: 12 Midnight (Milwaukee Time) - Friday April 18th, 2025!!! This will help us facilitate a fair song submission presentation on the day of the contest.
You must be "Affiliated" with NSAI-Milwaukee and a NSAI member in good standing to submit a song and to vote. (“Affiliated” means you have joined a Local NSAI Chapter and receive information and participate in that Chapter’s activities.)
To affiliate with a Local Chapter follow these steps: go to - https://www.nashvillesongwriters.com/chapter-search click the name of the Chapter you are interested in (ie; Milwaukee, WI). That takes you to the Chapters Profile page. You will see the Chapter's information, including a teal colored button that says, “Affiliate With Chapter.” Click “Affiliate with Chapter” to join and you’re all set.
BTW: You don't need to submit a song in order to participate. If you are a member in good standing and affiliated with NSAI-Milwaukee you can still join us for the meeting and vote for your favorite song.
For complete Rules & Everything Chapter Challenge go to your NSAI Page / Local Chapters / NSAI Chapter Challenge.
• No live performances will be accepted.
• Songs cannot be co-written with a professional songwriter.
• Songs under/pending contract are not eligible for submission.
• Song submission must be the original work of the Songwriter without use of any artificial intelligence, and must not infringe upon the copyrights, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity or be otherwise contrary to applicable laws and regulations.
• NSAI members in Local Chapters can submit one song at one local Chapter meeting. Multiple submissions will result in disqualification.
• Members cannot vote for their own song.
• Non-members cannot vote or submit a song in the competition.
• Voting must happen at the Chapter meeting -- NO EXCEPTIONS.
(You must be present when playback of the first song begins thru when the last song ends. If you come late or leave early your vote and submitted song will be disqualified.)
• Late submissions will not be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.