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Thu, March 20th, 2025, 7:30 - 10pm / 19:30 - 22:00 CET
FYI: this returns us to our 3rd Thursday of each month schedule
The purpose driving every workshop is to make a leap forward in our songwriting. This may include learning about aspects of the songwriting 'business' , or developing songwriting skills. These are tight 2.5 hr. value packed, interactive meetings. We cater to and work with all genres, and styles of music, and all levels of songwriters, from beginners to advance, from lyric only to melody writers, and musicians.
A typical meeting agenda will include:
1. Members & Guest Checkin
2. NSAI News
3. A learning component suitable for all levels of songwriters in all genres & styles
4. Song sharing & feedback, with the aim to improve our songs.
We're a friendly bunch & we grow, so come & join us!
If you are submitting a song for feedback, please use the link below. We will review songs on and gain valuable feedback, and songs are review from a 1st in cue basis. Only NSAI Member songs will be reviewed song reviewed.
Please submit your songs at least 24 hour in advance of the meeting to allow for adequate preparations for time. Depending on time, some songs may not make the review, but will be moved up the cue for the next workshop.
& Song Submission Link:
Zoom Link for Chapter Online Meetings
Thu, March 20 2025, 7:30 - 10pm / 19:30 - 22:00 CET
Thu, Feb 27 2025, 7:30 - 10pm