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Thanks to all who joined us in February. Long Island NSAI will be hosting a virtual meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 7:30 PM. The Zoom link will be included in the monthly notice.
Looking forward to seeing you all and hearing your latest songs.
Jerry, Sandy and Tom
Hall of Fame Songwriter will be our guest at the Long Island NSAI Workshop on Tuesday, January 7th at 7:30 PM EST. Victoria wrote “The River” with Garth Brooks and has two Emmy Awards. She is our Adopt-A-Shop pro on Long Island and joins us once a year.
Our January meeting on the 7th will feature a live talk via Zoom with our Nashville mentor Emmy award winning pro writer Victoria Shaw direct from her home studio in Nashville. Please see her website below. She has written and performed with Garth Brooks and produced the first album for Lady Antebellum.