Nsai chapter
Tallahassee, FL
Third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.

Tallahassee, FL Chapter

Meetings consist of reviewing a lesson on the craft of songwriting or a music business-related subject.  We also make announcements and discuss upcoming events of interest to the members. We then host a feedback session where members share a song. Members performing their song live should bring  lyric sheets for the group.  Sheets are used to make constructive notes to share after the song is performed and returned to member for them to use.

Members and guests should register their intent to attend the meeting and present a song by using the attendance and song submission form.  If no song is being presented, only the attendance portion should be completed.  



Kenith Crawford
Barbra Faircloth

Upcoming Events

Chapter Events

Mar 15, 2025

Litchgate Cottage Benefit

Time: 12:00 am EST

End Time: 11:59 pm EST

Type: In-person

Mar 17, 2025

Regular Chapter Meeting

Time: 6:30 pm EST

Type: Hybrid

Apr 19, 2025

Songwriter Showcase

Time: 6:30 pm EST

Type: In-person

NSAI Events

No Event Found.


Chapter News

The hardest working musician that I know of.  She barely has time to sleep.  I don't know how she does while raising and home schooling 3 boys.  She has the support of her husband in managing her busy schedule.  There is never a dull moment it seems in her life.

Here is a picture of Ken as he performed in a songwriters round on Monday February 17 at the Sound Bar in Tallahassee, Fl.  Ken is also showcasing his songs on the 3rd Wednesday night of each month at the Blue Tavern in Tallahassee.  This has had a big impact on the community's awareness of and the inclusion of the Tallahassee Chapter


Songs Recognized as Ones To Watch in January

Congratulations to the songwriters below who had songs recognized as Ones To Watch! 

For the First Time Ever, Hear the Stories of the Songs from the Grammy® and CMA Award-Winning Songwriters Behind Radio’s Biggest Hits in a Special Live Broadcast Event: 

Music Night: Live from Nashville!

In Movie Th

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